A Blog about IT, technology and Money

Category: IT (Page 2 of 2)

Free technical IT ebooks from Packtpub

Packtpub has actually a learning campaign on his website,  with daily changing free e-books. Packt Publishing have a lot of good premium books and everyday they put up a premium book for download for free. 

You can find the ebook on their camping site. After you have created a free Account, just log in to that and claim you daily free ebook from the Packtpub Website.… MORE...

Sheduled Task Process Priority

Process Priority is everything.

Did you know that the default Process Priority of a scheduled Task in Windows is below normal?
No? me either.

You may know the following scenario. You have a few scheduled Task like a daily Robocopy job, and you are wondering why the run time is growing every day.… MORE...

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