Investing money is an important topic that concerns many people. There are many ways to invest your money, but not all of them are equally safe or profitable. One popular form of investing money is ETF savings plans and P2P loans. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different types of investors.… MORE...
Tag: Money
Another month is over and of course I was able to generate some passive income again. As many readers know, I used to build my passive income mainly P2P lending platforms and banner ads as well as affiliate links on this blog here.
How the whole thing has developed and what my further procedure concerns, you will see today in this article.… MORE...
As a consumer junkie who’s always out of money, I’m sure you can live well.
A nice big new car, a condominium or a house and the latest, hottest fashion and beauty articles. All these are reasons why a consumer junkie builds up more and more debts every month. But so what, with a current 0% financing this is no longer a problem, right?… MORE...
Alternative investments are an option for people who usually have no confidence in the stock market, want to flee from low interest rates or generally always want to do everything differently than everyone else.
You have lost confidence in the financial advisor or have acquired expertise in certain areas and now want to put this into practice yourself.… MORE...
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